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Candy World

This 3d diorama is based on the speed paint at the top of this page.
I wanted to try my hand a something a lot more stylised to widen my horizons.

This is the first 3d project where I used Zbrushcore as part of my workflow - I find it a lot more inuative than Mudbox, although the limited functionality makes it quite difficult to use.

Still I am very happy with the results!

Time for something a little more stylised and fun, based on the prompt "Candy World".

I enjoyed creating a scene and environment which tells a story about a girl and her obsession with jelly beans!

Time for something a little more stylised and fun, based on the prompt "Candy World".

I enjoyed creating a scene and environment which tells a story about a girl and her obsession with jelly beans!

Candy World 3d Diorama.

The Candy Girl was rigged with a Biped system, with extra bones to control her eyes and jaw.

Candy Girl model sheet sketch.

I have a terrible habit of getting stuck in and modelling without model sheets sometimes. Getting this down will make sure I model her with the correct proportions.

Candy Girl model sheet sketch.

I have a terrible habit of getting stuck in and modelling without model sheets sometimes. Getting this down will make sure I model her with the correct proportions.

Model sheet for the Candy Girl.

Model sheet for the Candy Girl.

Model breakdown for Candy Girl. If you want to see the textures clearer they can be inspected in the Sketchfab model embedded at the top.

Model breakdown for Candy Girl. If you want to see the textures clearer they can be inspected in the Sketchfab model embedded at the top.

Digital sculpt details made in Zbrushcore.
The normal maps were baked using Substance Painter as Zbrushcore doesn't have a baking functionality.

Digital sculpt details made in Zbrushcore.
The normal maps were baked using Substance Painter as Zbrushcore doesn't have a baking functionality.

Model breakdown for the props and skydome.

Model breakdown for the props and skydome.

Sculpted details.

Sculpted details.