This is a mock up of the frames and dialogue over the pencils.
Once I am happy with this I ink in the characters only.
With the characters inked I refine the background in pencil, then shade it in grey-scale using markers.
I scan in grey-scale into Photoshop then turn it into an RGB image and mess around with the values.
Then I use the pencil tool to define/fill the character's flat colours.
With the flats in place, I concentrate on the backgrounds, as this will inform my lighting when I come to do the light and shade.
I combine colour, multiply and opacity layers to get the look I want.
Once I am happy with the backgrounds I add the lighting.
For shadows I use warm greys on a multiply layer, for highlights I use a mixture of greys on an opacity layer.
There are also other tonal, painted elements to the lighting and shadow.
The final piece with all the frames and dialogue!
(Robyn and I were a great team...Tom doesn't co-op well...)