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Retro Sci-Fi Project

This project was a long time in the making.

I had to single-handedly design an environment that was on a new planet, was rich in mining resources, and was being terraformed.
Add to this the Retro-Sci Fi theme and it was ripe for all sorts of ideas.
I had to design everything in this scene, down to doors and door handles - it was a good exercise to get me thinking logically about a scene, how elements would work together believably. It was fun to create, but a lot of hard work!

This project only contains a handful of the design work.

3ds Max Render of the final Retro Space environment.

3ds Max Render of the final Retro Space environment.

Further 3ds Max renders

The base from plantation area.

Further 3ds Max renders

The base from plantation area.

The greenhouse and pump station.

The greenhouse and pump station.

The plantation and terraforming plant acclimatisation area.

The plantation and terraforming plant acclimatisation area.

The mining outbuilding and crane.

The mining outbuilding and crane.

View from on top of the mining outbuilding.

View from on top of the mining outbuilding.

View from the base landing pads.

View from the base landing pads.

Bunker construction area.

Bunker construction area.

The final scene in wireframe  with the stats for reference.

The final scene in wireframe with the stats for reference.

Sketchfab 3D Model.
Retro Sci-Fi: Bunker Construction Area.

This scene shows the buggy and an unfinished bunker.

Retro Sci-fi Bridge & Mining Outbuilding Diorama

Design process for the environment.

Design process for the environment.

Key art.
I feel that the flaw with this peice of art is that I haven't really given it any depth. If i were to repaint this, I would make the far background less sharp/saturated.

Key art.
I feel that the flaw with this peice of art is that I haven't really given it any depth. If i were to repaint this, I would make the far background less sharp/saturated.

Details on the interior of the ship and the key art.

Details on the interior of the ship and the key art.

Model and texture breakdown for the Retro Sci-fi spaceship.

Model and texture breakdown for the Retro Sci-fi spaceship.

Render within the full environment map I made in 3ds Max.

Render within the full environment map I made in 3ds Max.

Retro SciFi Hero & Ship .

This scene showcases the Hero character and his Ship
This is just a small diorama showcasing the ship model with the Hero character.

Base silhouette sketches. 
I loosely designed the shape of the base and asked for feedback. I then started to fill out the levels and think logically about the usage.

Base silhouette sketches.
I loosely designed the shape of the base and asked for feedback. I then started to fill out the levels and think logically about the usage.

Terraforming base design elements.

Terraforming base design elements.

Bunker type buildings. The idea behind these was that the metal parts could be brought to the planet and then re purposed according to needs; which is why they appear on the base as well.

Bunker type buildings. The idea behind these was that the metal parts could be brought to the planet and then re purposed according to needs; which is why they appear on the base as well.

Multipurpose containers for the scene.
Once I had decided on the shape, I thought about how they would open and stack.

Multipurpose containers for the scene.
Once I had decided on the shape, I thought about how they would open and stack.

Greenhouses/nurseries for the terraforming plants I thought a lot about how these fit into the overall design (as seen in the initial environment sketches).

Greenhouses/nurseries for the terraforming plants I thought a lot about how these fit into the overall design (as seen in the initial environment sketches).

The pumphouse would pump oxygen from the nurseries to the main base.

The pumphouse would pump oxygen from the nurseries to the main base.

The terraforming plants themselves.

The terraforming plants themselves.

Land buggy sketches,

Land buggy sketches,

This vehicle would mainly be a scouting buggy as there would be rough terrain, so I thought about the functionality.

This vehicle would mainly be a scouting buggy as there would be rough terrain, so I thought about the functionality.

The mining platform for the plants rich resources.

The mining platform for the plants rich resources.

A render of the characters in the full environment.

A render of the characters in the full environment.