This project was a long time in the making.
I had to single-handedly design an environment that was on a new planet, was rich in mining resources, and was being terraformed.
Add to this the Retro-Sci Fi theme and it was ripe for all sorts of ideas.
I had to design everything in this scene, down to doors and door handles - it was a good exercise to get me thinking logically about a scene, how elements would work together believably. It was fun to create, but a lot of hard work!
This project only contains a handful of the design work.
Sketchfab 3D Model.
Retro Sci-Fi: Bunker Construction Area.
This scene shows the buggy and an unfinished bunker.
Retro Sci-fi Bridge & Mining Outbuilding Diorama
Retro SciFi Hero & Ship .
This scene showcases the Hero character and his Ship
This is just a small diorama showcasing the ship model with the Hero character.