[A girl of about sixteen had been tied to the rack of a wagon laden with sacks, her bare arms spread wide apart. The girl’s toes barely reached the ground. Just as they arrived, her shift and blouse were torn away to reveal thin shoulders. The captive reacted by rolling her eyes and loosing a foolish combination of giggling and sobbing.
“Scorch this abscess with a white hot iron! Subject it to a baptism of fire! We shall not allow any woman who dabbled in witchcraft to live!”]
Andrzej Sapkowski: Baptism of Fire/ Chapter 4
This is my entry for CD Projekt Red’s GWENT art competition (2018)!
I couldn’t do as much of a torn shift and blouse as I wanted to because the competition rules stated the art needed to adhere to PEGI12 guidelines.
It was refreshing to paint fantasy art again, and work on my colour blocking / painting technique.