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Fantasy Creatures - Low poly / Hand painted texture

As with the fantasy character archetype project style, this fantasy creature project is to showcase low poly modelling with hand painted textures.
A later image in this project and the Sketchfab upload also include other texture map types; specular, normal, opacity and illumination.

I hope to demonstrate my ability to efficiently model a true likeness of designs provided to me, and to hand produce texture maps.

All the creatures were created by, and used with the permission of Niki Hunter (, a friend and freelance artist, for the game SUDEKI (Climax Studios / (Microsoft Game Studios, 2004).

Incidentally, I was lucky enough to do work experience at Climax Studios back in the SUDEKI days, and a couple of my NCP designs made it into the game!

Skorchion concept art created by Niki Hunter (

I tasked myself with creating this variants quickly based on the initial red flame model and texture.

Skorchion concept art created by Niki Hunter (

I tasked myself with creating this variants quickly based on the initial red flame model and texture.

Skorchion (red flame). 
I feel that this is a good likeness to the design.
The texture process was longer as even though the model is symmetrical, there was not a lot of scope for mirroring UV shells texture-wise.

Skorchion (red flame).
I feel that this is a good likeness to the design.
The texture process was longer as even though the model is symmetrical, there was not a lot of scope for mirroring UV shells texture-wise.

Skorchion (green flame).
There is additional modelling for the bladed arms, but overall this editing took me no more than a couple of hours due to my texture workflow which allowed me to simply change the base colour in most circumstances.

Skorchion (green flame).
There is additional modelling for the bladed arms, but overall this editing took me no more than a couple of hours due to my texture workflow which allowed me to simply change the base colour in most circumstances.

Skorchion (blue flame). 
The final variant required only a few more polygons added for the icicles, and then a simple tonal rework of the red variant’s texture.

Skorchion (blue flame).
The final variant required only a few more polygons added for the icicles, and then a simple tonal rework of the red variant’s texture.

An image displaying the same models rendered with a full set of texture maps - diffuse, specular, normal, opacity and illumination - demonstrating how they can add depth to the surface detailing.

An image displaying the same models rendered with a full set of texture maps - diffuse, specular, normal, opacity and illumination - demonstrating how they can add depth to the surface detailing.

Skorchion Variants Posed.
The models use the same bones rig, and creating the variants consisted of simple changing of geometry and/or re-colouring or re-toning elements of the original texture.

To see the diffuse texture only, use 'Shadeless' option.