GUNRUNNER was a project I took part in with Richard Hale, who needed character designs for a game pitch.
I won't go into the specifics since he may want to revive it, but it sounded very interesting!
Richard gave me character descriptions and entrusted me with the designs, asking for alterations as we progressed.
It was a collaborative project, and from Rich's art, it's clear to see that he is an imaginative vehicle and prop designer!
The original designs for this were done back in 2002, I only recently went back to the characters and re-designed them, using all the skills I have learnt through my video game art course. I gathered proper material for inspiration; but as this is a WIP I haven't put together the moodboard. This will be added once complete.
GUNRUNNER original concept, AGV Vehicle and flying cap/magnifying device designs © Richard Hale, 2002.
GUNRUNNER: Female Pilot - WIP
After I have UV unwrapped I plan to take these models into Mudbox for a high detail sculpt. I'll then render these out as normal maps...
GUNRUNNER: Male Mechanic - WIP
...and place them on a more cartoony texture map set. I want to experment with keylines too, to keep that stylised look.