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GUNRUNNER - Dwarf Mechanic

I have finally had some time to work on the GUNRUNNER characters (their concept art can be found in my gallery).

I invested in Substance Painter Suite and Zbrushcore, so used those in my workflow, to very nice and unexpected results!
I do lament that Zbrushcore has pretty much stripped out hard surface the details on the head gear were hand painted in Substance Painter.

Of course, the body is in the works as well! I will upload it as and when I complete it.

- Character head
- Tool set

In progress:
- Body (currently sculpting)
- Overalls accessories

Original Character description and Magnification gadget/flying cap design: Richard Hale, 2002. Character design and modelling: Jeanne Price, 2016-2017.

3D Model.
The geometry and textures can be viewed interactively here.

Hi-res sculpt in ZBrushcore.
These details where baked out in Substance Painter.

Hi-res sculpt in ZBrushcore.
These details where baked out in Substance Painter.

The finished PBR texture set in Substance Painter.

The finished PBR texture set in Substance Painter.

Skin Detail,

Skin Detail,

Head gear detail.

Head gear detail.

This shows Base, Roughness, Metalic and Normal maps.
In addition it uses Opacity and Emissive maps.

This shows Base, Roughness, Metalic and Normal maps.
In addition it uses Opacity and Emissive maps.

The character's tool set. This is a relatively low res texture. I downsized it to 512 x512 for output.

The character's tool set. This is a relatively low res texture. I downsized it to 512 x512 for output.

Unfinished body sculpt details

Unfinished body sculpt details